ApplStream--built on DNA Technology--is a business intelligence and comprehensive reporting solution for ERP/MRP systems. A swift installation makes it possible to access a majority of ERP/MRP information within five hours which can then be worked with on a user level. Simplicity of operation and up-to-date functions for information sharing allow for immediate generation of detailed and aggregate reports, including graphic charts and statistics.
ApplStream works with an online database--thus the need to create complex data warehouses is eliminated.
ApplStream® Modules
CF - Cash Flow
FA - Fixed Assets
GLB - General Ledger / Balance
GLH - General Ledger / Horizontal
GL - General Ledger / Detail
AP - Payables
AR - Receivables
PRO - Procurement
TRX - Inventory / Horizontal
INV - Inventory
PO - Purchase Orders
SO - Sales Orders
BOM - Bill of Materials (structured)
WIP - Work in Process
MRP - Manufacturing Resource Planning
APS - Advanced Planning System
AQC - Acquisition of claims
ASM - Asset Service
BPL - Budget Planning
ECO - Engineering Change Order
PAA - Project costs and revenues
A dynamic link between modules allows information to be enriched with various details and other related pieces of information. Specific details or related data in another module is easily accessible via a simple click on an active entity.